How Often Should I Schedule a Physical?

In the 1980s, a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis among children was rare. However, almost 6,000 children and adolescents in the United States were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes between 2014 and 2015.
Preventable heart problems are also on the rise. The number of deaths among middle-aged Americans caused by heart disease increased by 4% between 2011 and 2017.
Just like the early bird who catches the worm, patients who discover their risk factors or symptoms early can prevent and treat conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Anyone at any age can benefit from regular annual physicals, even if they haven’t noticed any symptoms.
With the help of our team at Casa de Salud, you can receive guidance on how to prevent and better manage chronic diseases, regardless of your age. Learn what a physical entails, and find out how often you should see one of our providers.
What to expect during your physical
Many people dread seeing medical specialists due to fear of invasive tests. However, a physical doesn’t usually involve these types of procedure unless there’s a good reason for our providers to seek further testing.
At your physical exam, we review your medical history to look for potential risk factors. We also check your weight and blood pressure, and use a stethoscope to listen to your heart and lungs.
You may be also asked to lie on your back as we gently press on your abdomen to check for any signs of pain, discomfort, or enlarged organs. We also examine your eyes, ears, nose, and throat.
During the physical, we ask about any medications or supplements you’re taking and whether you’ve experienced any worrisome symptoms. We may order blood work to check your blood sugar, cholesterol levels, or other health markers, depending on your needs.
How often you should drop by our office
As we mentioned above, most people of any age can benefit from a yearly checkup. Patients can get their yearly flu shot and other age-appropriate vaccines. Many adults benefit from being screened for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Women may benefit from getting pelvic exams with Pap smears and breast exams, while men can have their prostate checked.
For those over 50, the yearly physical becomes even more important, as many people may already be developing health issues due to lower amounts of circulating sex hormones, which can impact mood, energy levels, bone density, and heart health.
Get peace of mind with a yearly checkup
Not all diseases come with alarming symptoms. For example, you can have high blood pressure for a long time and have no symptoms. The best way to stay healthier for longer is to develop a relationship with a physician who understands your struggles, including difficulties with losing weight, quitting cigarettes, or finding time to exercise.
At Case de Salud, you can get medical advice from someone who knows your health history inside and out. If you live in the downtown or Adams Normandie areas of Los Angeles, California, contact us to schedule an appointment for an annual physical and find out more about how you can improve your health.
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